by admin | Aug 30, 2018 | Digital Signage
Facts About Dynamic Digital Signage World Wide Audio Media has been a leading expert in dynamic digital signage for over 10 years. Their team pioneered this system of internal marketing, and has been the preferred provider of digital signage solutions for...
by admin | Mar 27, 2018 | On-Hold Marketing
6 KEYS TO LEVERAGING YOUR ON HOLD SYSTEM An on-hold system is necessary for any business that takes a high volume of sales calls each and every day. However, an On-Hold System is not only meant to keep your customers on the phone longer. In many cases, the phone call...
by admin | Jan 17, 2018 | On-Hold Marketing
AnĀ on-hold marketing strategy for demanding customers is simple when we remove any chance for unnecessary frustration. What creates a demanding customer? Being placed on-hold is very frustrating to many customers. Customers become anxious and short-tempered the longer...